ALL Cornermen/Women Working An IAB Sanctioned Event Must Be A
Minimum of 18 Years of Age!


  • The IAB Event Representative and or IAB Referee have the power to give the following disciplines to any broken Rule noted on this page;
    1. Verbal Warning.
    2. Deduct 1 Point from their fighter.
    3. Expel the Cornerman/woman from the bout.
    4. Expel the Cornerman/woman from the event.
    5. Disqualify The Fighter, ending the bout.
    6. Cornermen FINES begin at $100.00.

    • Amateur or Pro Bouts
      • You are allowed "3" cornermen/women total in the fighters corner.
      • One may enter the ring on the round break.
      • One may stand outside the ropes on the ring platform.
      • One shall remain on the floor of the venue.

    • One cornerman MUST enter the ring during the round break to shield his fighter from the view of his opponent. Please do not be a LAZY cornerman and stand outside the ropes.
    • Stay in your corner of the ring.
    • Do not aggressively complain to the referee. Calm discussion is allowed if you wish the referee to pay closer attention to something the other fighter may be doing.
    • Always clean up the fighter's corner when a round break is over. (Ice, water etc.)
    • If you feel your fighter is injured from something like a cut or symptoms of a head or body injury, you may request to the referee to have the ringside physician look at your fighter to assure their safety and and that they are fit to continue to the next round.
    • NO THROWING WATER during the round breaks.

    • All Cornermen/Trainers are required to keep their shoulders below the ring mat level during a bout.
    • If you choose to sit on the ring corner stairs, keep your shoulders below the ring mat level.
    • DO NOT Use Rude or Abusive Language when coaching from your corner and Do not Yell abusive language or remarks at your fighter's opponent.
      • The Fine for such an offense begin at $100 and increase depending on the results of the action taken such as if any injury occurred, who it was thrown at, etc. etc.
    • Please keep your coaching volume down.
    • NO THROWING of ANY OBJECT during the bout.
      • The Fine for such an offense begin at $100 and increase depending on the results of the action taken such as if any injury occurred, who it was thrown at, etc. etc.
    • Do not stand up or lean on the edge of the ring mat/floor when bout is in progress.
    • Do not slap the ring mat when the bout is in progress when bout is in progress.
    • Do not touch the ring ropes until the bell sounds ending the round!
    • During the bout and even when the round is coming to an end, DO NOT climb up towards the ring!

    • If you cut ANY part of the fight gloves you will be fined $100.00 which must be paid prior to leaving the event.
    • If you or your fighter or anyone associated with you, abuse, harm or destroy any property owned or regulated by the promoter or the IKF you will be charged for the damages plus fined a minimum of $100.00 and be subject to a possible suspension. All fines and suspensions shall be determined by the IAB.

    • Vasoline is the only substance that can be used on a fighters face.
    • Vasoline or Abilene can be used on the body.
      • HOWEVER - NONE may be used in excess and the IAB Referee may require you to wipe it ALL off if you stand to begin the bout with excessive amounts on.
    • BABY OIL is NOT permitted at all.
    • The use of BenGay, IcyHot, and other such sports cremes is NOT permitted at all.
    • Liniment rubs such as Muay Thai Oil etc., may be used on the fighters body as long as it does not cause harm to a fighters eyes..
    • The use of Monsel's Solution for the stopping of hemorrhage in the ring is prohibited.
    • No "Smelling Salts" or related medicines are allowed in the corner. The use of shall result in immediate disqualification and a $500.00 fine. If a pro fighter the fine shall be $500 or 10% of the fighters purse, whichever is greater.
    • Each Corner Team must provide their fighter a pail, athletic tape, water bottle, and towel.

    • Chief cornerman may throw a towel into the ring to stop the bout if they feel their fighter is getting beat too badly or if they feel their fighter is outclassed. This saves the referee from making a questionable stop and is considered an honorable move by the corner, who has done so to protect his or her fighter. After doing so the cornerman must immediately follow the towel by going through the ropes and into the ring. DO NOT throw the towel at your opponent or the referee. Doing so will result in a minimum $250.00 fine, amateur or pro.

    • If ANY IAB Event Official feels that a trainer is being verbally or physically abusive to a "Minor" under the age of 18, that trainer "WILL" face disciplinary actions as determined by the IAB Event Representative, even DURING a bout in action. If the trainer/cornerman is offensive or rude to the IAB Official or IAB Event Representative presenting the discipline, the trainer "WILL" be banned from the ring and fined by the IAB. We understand that many coaches will become verbally aggressive with their fighters. However "PHYSICAL ABUSE" in any way (Grabbing a fighters headgear, hitting a fighter etc.) WILL NOT BE TOLERATED! Disciplinary actions for such an offense could be:
      • Verbal Warning.
      • Disqualification from being a cornerman for the duration of the bout in question.
      • Disqualification from being a cornerman for the entire event the misconduct took place.
      • Suspended from being a cornerman on any IAB Sanctioned event for a time to be determined by the IAB.
      • FINED for outrageous misconduct an amount determined by the IAB. Fines begin at $50.00 for Amateur Cornermen & $100 for Pro Cornermen..
      • Banned from the IAB indefinitely.